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Wednesday 30 March 2016

Essential Tips

Hi there!

As the year is coming to an end, I’d like to take this time to give some general advice to you based on my overall experience with the program and the college itself. Through my amazing learning experience there are a few things that I'd like to share in regards to what made my experience the way it was.

So here it goes!

Coming from Sault Ste. Marie and about an 8 hour drive at the beginning of September, I was pretty nervous about starting school in a new city. But the great thing about Sheridan College is how welcoming its faculty staff and students are. A few days before school actually starts, an orientation is held for new students. For me, I honestly wasn’t sure if I was up for an orientation after such a long drive from home, however I am so happy I decided to follow through.  I strongly recommend this orientation to future students because it is an opportunity to meet not only everyone in your program,
but faculty members, and students from other programs. For Advertising Account Management, us 15 students met in a classroom with the program coordinator, Peggy Barnwell. She gave us a welcoming and enthusiastic introduction not only about the program, but the advertising industry as a whole. She helped us open our eyes into what field we were about to dive into. She also gave us our schedule and a good idea of what our goals will be throughout the entire year. Combined with honesty and knowledge, her introduction made me extremely excited to start this post graduate journey. Meeting the students was also great because we were able to get to know each other a little bit before starting our classes the next week. Please don’t miss out on this opportunity before beginning the Advertising Account Management Program in the Fall!

I would also like to talk to you about time management. Throughout the year, you will be thrown a large amount of tests, assignments and presentations that will definitely get stressful. It is important to always take a deep breathe, list your duties by priority, and ultimately take it one step at at time. I found myself going through waves of stress because I was looking at all obligations as a whole, instead of actually starting to tackle each task one at a time. However during second semester I changed my outlook on assignments and really tried to manage my time in a way that caused less stress in the future. If I could give one piece of advice it would be to stop worrying, and start doing. We cause ourselves so much anxiety and stress from just the thought of having so much due. My group and I have meshed really well together during these times of stress because despite the fact that we knew so much was due, we tried our best to get each task done well instead of quickly. 

What I also found extremely beneficial during my time at Sheridan was the availability of teachers to meet with. If any students have issues with homework, assignments, tests or just general inquiries about class or the industry in general, our teachers and faculty are available to talk at virtually any time. This is of course possible through email, but each of our teachers have extended office hours at the school that we can utilize for in person conversation. Meeting with your teachers, especially for assignments, is great because they can assure you that you are on the right track. If you're not, they will put you in the right direction which will help you achieve your goals. What I also loved was that the teachers themselves would schedule meetings with us to make sure we are doing well with our group assignments. Our group and the teacher would discuss campaign directions and ideas and eventually come to several decisions to move forward. Please take advantage of these meetings and never be afraid to ask for help in this program. 

If you take a few of these tips into consideration, I think you'll have the best possible experience here at Sheridan College! 



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