About Me

Sunday 14 February 2016

From University to College

Hey guys, Happy Valentines Day!

I hope everyone has a special day with loved ones! Unfortunately I've come down with a brutal cold over the weekend, so I've been pretty under the weather. I think all I'll need today is some good ol' milk chocolate and all should be well.

Aside from that, I wanted to post today about the transition from university to college. As you know, I attended Western University for my undergrad with a major in sociology and a minor in psychology. I had such an amazing experience that I would never take back, and I am proud of that achievement. But believe it or not, there was a lot of uncertainty throughout my experience in regards to what I wanted to do, and how I would get there. Most, if not all of my classes were theory-based. All classes were focused on lectures and multiple choice exams or essays. While the content in my courses were quite interesting, there were limitations as to how students could learn and grasp information. All studying (for the most part) was based on memorization. We all have those classes that we are "required" to take in order to graduate, such as math or statistics, and if you're like me, they aren't the most enjoyable ones. Aside from lectures, it's up to us students to study the best way we can with the textbook. I'll be honest, I struggled throughout those courses. But with a little perseverance, I achieved my goals. What I am trying to say is that university can be challenging in that the way you learn best is truly put to the test. If that's by attending a lecture for 3 hours straight and typing out content, I give you a huge amount of credit. If not, please don't worry. There is hope for you.

Everyone knows that college is a place for more hands on learning. I've known this for years, however I never knew the true meaning until I actually got to experience it. To put this idea into perspective, here's a short video of a young student and his theory of this kind of understanding.

It helps to know what you are interested in when thinking about a career (that's obvious) and attending a college. Once you can get a feel for that (which takes time), you will get the most benefit out of going. For me, advertising was always in the back of my mind, and after some post-grad research, Sheridan College was the perfect place to help launch my creative potential. Throughout the year, group work, engagement, participation and conversing were among the many key aspects of our learning. I can't tell you how beneficial this is in a classroom setting. Learning should be about understanding, not memorizing. It has to be meaningful, and this is what college is all about. In Advertising Account Management, we are completing and presenting projects that relate directly to our field, such as marketing & advertising plans, researching consumer insights, media planning and much more. It's not about being able to repeat information given to us, but about applying that information to the real world by engaging and actually living it. This is what Sheridan College does best, and from my experience, the transition from university to college has been more than easy, it was the best decision I ever made.

That's all for today guys! Thanks for reading <3



1 comment:

  1. Great job Ash, you have definitely learned some valuable skill this year! Keep it up!
