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Sunday 31 January 2016

Networking Night

Good morning guys!

As promised in my last post, today I am going to talk about something pretty exciting in regards to getting your feet wet in the industry.  Every year, Sheridan College holds an event that allows students from all advertising programs (2nd, 3rd years and postgrads) the opportunity to meet with advertising agencies in the Toronto area. Yes, also known as a networking event! This was held a few nights ago at the Marquee Pub (great food by the way) at Sheridan College.
            Throughout the year so far and after several career workshops, we have learned that networking is highly recommended for chances of having a high success rate in job searching. You’ve all heard the saying “It’s all about who you know”. And that couldn’t be more true. You may have experiences where you are lucky enough to have a family friend/acquaintance in the industry of your choice, however if not, how do you think people build business relationships from nothing? Events like a “net night” (as Sheridan called it through social media) is the answer. This experience is an amazing way to get your name out there and make a positive impression on potential employers. Not only that, but it brings you out of your comfort zone and gives you the opportunity to meet smart, influential people. It is these individuals that may end up helping you out in the long run.
For me, networking night brought out a new kind of confidence that I never knew I had. I was a little nervous at the beginning, seeing as this was the first experience I had with networking. I wasn’t sure what to expect or how it was going to work. How would I know who works for what agency? Would people be nice and open to talk? Am I going to freeze when conversing with an employer? My mind was swirling with questions until I had my first conversation. I should have known that Sheridan College would connect with such amazing, open and knowledgeable people to attend this event and talk with us. All of the tables at the event were labeled according to what agency they represented, so we were free to choose who we wanted to connect with. I just want to point out that every table had a huge jug of water with cups available to all. This may seem pretty unimportant but we’ve all experienced that dry, thirsty feeling you get when you’re in the middle of a presentation. Picture that feeling lasting for two hours while talking to some pretty important people. SO, I loved that there was an unlimited supply of water.
MORE IMPORTANTLY, to summarize, I know that this may seem a little bit scary and I won’t be the one to tell you that you won’t be nervous (unless you’ve done this kind of thing before!). What I can tell you, is to be yourself. There is nothing more impressive than knowing exactly who you are, and being confident about it. Sell yourself in a way that you, and only you, know how in regards to your own unique personality. We all have something special to offer. If you do that, you’ll be surprised at the positive reactions you will get. First impressions are everything, so be genuine, be polite, and show your enthusiasm! Lastly, always remember to FOLLOW UP with the people you have talked to at a networking event. The simplest “thank you” can go a long way.  
Without Sheridan College’s workshops leading to the event, I am not sure that I would have been as prepared as I was. Having that opportunity was amazing, and I’m excited for you all to experience the same. I hope this helps guys!

Thank YOU for reading.



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