About Me

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Dear Future Post-Grad

Well hello there :)

Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to view my first blog (and blog post). My name is Ashleigh Mulholland, a 22 year old female just a few months away from finishing school (for good) :O!!!!! But who am I really? Well, as you may have guessed by my clever and hilarious blog title, I am a student at Sheridan College currently completing the Advertising Account Management postgraduate certificate.

For those of you who already know me, you know that I attended Western University for 4 (stressful but amazing) years earning a degree in sociology and psychology. You may be wondering what any of that has to do with advertising. And what exactly is account management? Why did I choose to do this? Well, my hope for this blog is to enlighten you all about what it is that I want to do with my life, and how this industry excites and challenges me in more ways than one. Even better, to spark an interest in anyone who may be questioning this field as a career. I absolutely love Sheridan college and I know that whoever choses this route will greatly benefit from the enrichment you gain from just a few classes here.

In general, advertising account management involves executives acting as a link or liaison between your clients and an ad agency, all well coordinating a creative campaign. What is so great about this particular program at Sheridan is that what we learn about is not (at all) limited to just advertising account management.Throughout the year you learn about the media side, creative communications, marketing, public relations, digital and sales aspects of advertising. You begin to see how all of these sectors within advertising come together to create one big (and hopefully successful) integrated marketing communications campaign. 

I have been interested in the advertising environment ever since high school. I found it exciting to in some way be able to contribute to a meaningful campaign and creative team. I will always remember having to come up with a new item for the Tim Horton’s menu in my grade 12 business class, as well as creating a poster for its advertising. Back in early 2011 I thought it would be great to introduce fruit smoothies. It was not on the menu yet. Although it was such a small project it was so exciting and fun creating a poster and promotional idea for this new product. It was at that point that I really wanted to someday be part of a real ad campaign. However, I knew that university was my next step after graduating from high school, and my heart was set on Western Ontario. At the time I was also extremely interested in both sociology and psychology. So, I enjoyed my four years while completing my degree, however advertising was still in the back of my mind. In a nutshell, that is how I ended up at this amazing program. So for any of you who are unsure at this point of where you are going, that's what a postgrad certificate is for. In just 8 months you will be prepared to dive into this industry with confidence :) 

Anyways, I am so looking forward to sharing with you my favourite and most meaningful moments week by week throughout this experience at Sheridan College, with my own advice to you along the way. 



1 comment:

  1. Love your blog! It's so informative and interesting.
    I look forward to reading more!
